User Administration

Simply CRM provides fine-grained access control capabilities through the use of Roles and Profiles.

Default sharing rules in Simply CRM are set to be public, which enables everyone to see all records. To change Sharing Rules, please visit Settings > Sharing Access. When Sharing is set to private, users will only be able to view records that are assigned to them or users below them in the Role hierarchy.



You want your employees to login and manage records in Simply CRM? Create an user account and get started!

We support two types of users: Admin user, and Standard user. The price is $12/User/Month. You can perform operations on users such as creating users, activating users, granting / revoking admin role, deactivating, and deleting users etc.Learn more

Quick links: Adding users | Deactivating users | Deleting users | Changing account ownership


Profiles are used to control actions that users can perform on records. In addition, profiles can be used to restrict access to specific fields or modules. Learn more

Quick links: Creating profiles | Defining permissions | Assigning users to profile | Deleting a profile


Role Hierarchy in Simply is designed to reflect the typical organization hierarchy. User’s position in Role hierarchy will decide which records he/she can access. When Sharing Access is set to private, Users with a specific role can only view records that are assigned to them, and records that are assigned to users with a role below them.

You can edit and create new roles to configure your organization hierarchy in simply CRM. Learn more

Quick links: Creating a role | Assigning user(s) to role | Deleting a role

Sharing rules

Sharing access will help the administrators to define how records should be shared between peers, sub-ordinates and superiors. Default sharing rules in Simply are set to public — every one can see all records. If sharing rules are set to private, users can only view records assigned to them and records of users below them in role hierarchy. Learn more

Quick links: Configuring organization-wide sharing rules | Configuring custom sharing rules


Group is combination of multiple users, roles and groups to manage common set of records. Learn more

Quick links: key features | Creating a group | Deleting a group